We making
life better
We are one of the leading companies in the Mexican pharmaceutical market with an international presence, always concerned with participating in strengthening the health of the population. We have innovative pharmaceutical products with therapeutic characteristics that offer an effective treatment alternative to our prescribers and consumers.
To be a Group with a national and international reputation, which produces and markets quality products for human and animal health, which exceeds the expectations of its customers, promotes the development of all the people who collaborate in it and increases its assets to guarantee its growth sustained.
Provide products and services of the highest quality in the right place and time, according to the requirements of a client, investor, employee, collaborator, supplier, distributor, associates, doctor, researcher or the entire society.
In order to accomplish our mission, we rely on our following values:
Ecological Commitment
Maintain an absolutely respectful and responsible attitude aimed at conserving and improving the environment.
It is the quality that makes us act with rectitude and integrity.
Conduct our actions with care, adequate and sufficient that lead the company to satisfy the explicit or implicit qualities of the service it provides according to its raison d'être.
Respect and promote the established precepts of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, prioritizing the principle of personal autonomy, without losing sight of universality, unconditionality and inalienability.
Strictly observe the laws and legal provisions in force.
It is the duty to assume the consequences of the acts that one executes without anyone forcing.
Direct efforts, seeking to renew or reinvent our processes in favor of the company's productivity.
Guide our efforts to raise the credibility and reputation of the company.
Civic Engagement
Contribute to social and business development, both at the local, regional and national level; assuming co-responsibility towards the objectives and mission of the company at each level and to the social order that contextualizes it.
more than 80 years
In the early 1940s, the impact and aftermath of World War II was experienced, one of the consequences being the generation of a demand for medicines that exceeded the capacity of large laboratories. This causes a significant shortage in the world and Mexico is no exception. Identifying this trend in the development of the pharmaceutical industry, in 1941 Messrs. Santoveña and Fernández joined forces constituting Laboratorios Sanfer with the mission of manufacturing new pharmaceutical products that would contribute to the treatment of diseases and to preserve health.
The beginning
Ramón Santoveña Calleja and Celestino Fernández Valle, owners of the medicine distributors “Casa Santoveña” and “Casa Fernández”, respectively, decided to join forces and start the production of medicines by founding Laboratorios Sanfer.
The challenge of creating a business philosophy
Dr. Ernesto Amtmann acquires Laboratorios Sanfer.
Innovation of semi-synthetic antibiotics
Sanfer obtains the license to market the first semi-synthetic antibiotic. Thus, Mexico becomes the second country -after England- to have the innovation of antibiotics of this type.
Ophthalmic Products
Sanfer establishes an agreement for the manufacture of ophthalmic products with Allergan Pharmaceuticals.
Against viral infections.
Sanfer establishes an agreement for the manufacture of the raw material against viral infections.
Creation of Sanyconn
Sanfer allies with Coinnaught Laboratories and creates Sanyconn, for the manufacture of veterinary biological products.
Diversification towards converging segments
The purchase of Litográfica Frigolet in the eighties, a company that later gave rise to Litogrimann, is also considered as a measure of integration of the same production chain.
Hormone Laboratories
Acquisition of Laboratorios Hormona.
Productive infrastructure
Productive Infrastructure The transformative project and the development approach of modern and properly equipped production facilities, capable of facing the challenges of growth to come, are carried out.
Grimann and Dinafarma
Formación de Grimann y Dinafarma.
Bussie Laboratories
Acquisition of Bussie Laboratories
Acquisition of the Argentine company Pharmadorf.
Diversification and growth
The acquisition of Aerobal in 2009 represents another diversification experience for Sanfer®.
Concentration of the INVEKRA group
Litogrimann starts operations in the new facilities in Lerma, successfully concentrating all the manufacturing companies of the Invekra group in this area.
Acquisition of new brands
Acquisition of a new package of highly prestigious brands through the purchase of GSK.
International Laboratories of Colombia
Purchase of Laboratorios Internacionales de Colombia, Labinco, which places Sanfer among the main companies in the ranking of laboratories in that country.
Expansion in more countries
Creation of Sanfer® Laboratories in Chile and Ecuador
IDISA acquisition
Acquisition of IDISA and the companies that comprise it:
IASA, Applied Research
NUTEK, dedicated to Technological Research and Chemical Quality Control
ALPS, company
IMSA, Mexican Incubator
Laboratories Portugal
Acquisition of Laboratorios Portugal.
Beginning of operations
Acquisition and start of operations of Sanfer Salud Animal's Santiago Tianguistenco Plant.
New CEDIS Lerma
Start of operations in the new CEDIS Lerma, joining the area of concentration of Grupo Sanfer companies.
Pasteur Laboratories
Acquisition of Pasteur Laboratories.
80th Anniversary
Sanfer® celebrates 80 years of being a company that seeks the well-being and health of people.
Sanfer® buys Probiomed and enters the biotechnology market.
The beginning
Ramón Santoveña Calleja and Celestino Fernández Valle, owners of the medicine distributors “Casa Santoveña” and “Casa Fernández”, respectively, decided to join forces and start the production of medicines by founding Laboratorios Sanfer.
The challenge of creating a business philosophy
Dr. Ernesto Amtmann acquires Laboratorios Sanfer.
Innovation of semi-synthetic antibiotics
Sanfer obtains the license to market the first semi-synthetic antibiotic. Thus, Mexico becomes the second country -after England- to have the innovation of antibiotics of this type.
Ophthalmic Products
Sanfer establishes an agreement for the manufacture of ophthalmic products with Allergan Pharmaceuticals.
Against viral infections.
Sanfer establishes an agreement for the manufacture of the raw material against viral infections.
Creation of Sanyconn
Sanfer allies with Coinnaught Laboratories and creates Sanyconn, for the manufacture of veterinary biological products.
Diversification towards converging segments
The purchase of Litográfica Frigolet in the eighties, a company that later gave rise to Litogrimann, is also considered as a measure of integration of the same production chain.
Hormone Laboratories
Acquisition of Laboratorios Hormona.
Productive infrastructure
Productive Infrastructure The transformative project and the development approach of modern and properly equipped production facilities, capable of facing the challenges of growth to come, are carried out.
Grimann and Dinafarma
Formación de Grimann y Dinafarma.
Bussie Laboratories
Acquisition of Bussie Laboratories
Acquisition of the Argentine company Pharmadorf.
Diversification and growth
The acquisition of Aerobal in 2009 represents another diversification experience for Sanfer®.
Concentration of the INVEKRA group
Litogrimann starts operations in the new facilities in Lerma, successfully concentrating all the manufacturing companies of the Invekra group in this area.
Acquisition of new brands
Acquisition of a new package of highly prestigious brands through the purchase of GSK.
International Laboratories of Colombia
Purchase of Laboratorios Internacionales de Colombia, Labinco, which places Sanfer among the main companies in the ranking of laboratories in that country.
Expansion in more countries
Creation of Sanfer® Laboratories in Chile and Ecuador
IDISA acquisition
Acquisition of IDISA and the companies that comprise it:
IASA, Applied Research
NUTEK, dedicated to Technological Research and Chemical Quality Control
ALPS, company
IMSA, Mexican Incubator
Laboratories Portugal
Acquisition of Laboratorios Portugal.
Beginning of operations
Acquisition and start of operations of Sanfer Salud Animal's Santiago Tianguistenco Plant.
New CEDIS Lerma
Start of operations in the new CEDIS Lerma, joining the area of concentration of Grupo Sanfer companies.
Pasteur Laboratories
Acquisition of Pasteur Laboratories.
80th Anniversary
Sanfer® celebrates 80 years of being a company that seeks the well-being and health of people.
Sanfer® buys Probiomed and enters the biotechnology market.